So here we are at 38 weeks...My family has come and gone and still no little one. I'm sad she didn't make an appearance for their visit. But what can you do? My mama & daddy said they will fly back down here as soon as they get the call that I'm in labor. So that makes me feel better.
This week has been all about aches and pains. I'm least it feels that way and oh so ready to pop! I'm trying my best to relax and be patient, but my nerves are getting the best of me!
Hopefully baby girl will be here before I go back to work on Jan. 3rd. I can not stand the thought of having to go back to work for a week or two before she comes. Ugh. The stress...

I had my doctor's appointment this past Wednesday. Heartbeat sounds great. Blood pressure wonderful. Blood & urine awesome. Dilation 2 cm & my midwife says my cervix is extremely soft. So she feels it could be any day. It's a waiting game.
How is CJ? He is great, he is a little hyper lately. I think he is as anxious as we are. A little from being out of school, having my family from Texas come visit and knowing his sister could come at any moment.
How is Daddy? Daddy has honestly been on my nerves. It's like in the movie Bride Wars where the girl is in the bed with her husband and he is sleep. She looks over at him and says "your getting on my nerves". LOL it seriously feels like that. But we've talked about it and hopefully these mood swings will change. I love my hubby and appreciate him so much, I'm just goin through some thangs ya'll!! LOL
Week: 38 weeks
Weight gain: 25 lbs. Christmas. Cooking. Dinner. Leftovers.
Equals all the weight gain! Oh well I'm over it now. It is what it is.
Stretch marks: None still thank you Lord.

Belly button: Still flat :)
Clothes: Maternity & non-maternity
How big is baby:Baby is the size of a pumpkin. I seriously believe this. I'm so cramped now.
Babe's Growth: She may have about an inch or so of hair already. She is slowly shedding that white goo on her skin called vernix caseosa which we may see on her at birth.
Sleep: It's a constant battle. I pretty much take Tylenol PM every night. Which I dont know if that's healthy, but my DR. said I could take it to help the back pain & get some sleep.
Movement:She is rolling now, seems like it's hard for her to punch and kick as much.
Food Cravings: Sour Cream Pound Cake, Chips, Queso, pretty much anything right now. Since I'm off from work I am eating so much more
Food Aversions: Milk
Symptoms: The Back Pain is ridiculous. I mean it is killing me. ALL.THE.TIME. I mainly have relief when I'm walking and working out. I bought a birthing ball today so hopefully that gives me some relief.
What do I miss: Sleeping comfortably & not being overly emotional.
Best moment this week: Spending time with my family & my girlfriend coming over & having movie nights with me
Best moment this week: Spending time with my family & my girlfriend coming over & having movie nights with me
What I am looking forward to: Going into labor
Next Appointment(s): January 3rd, 2013
Until Next Time...
Love Jones