Monday, January 30, 2012


The weekend went by too fast and although Im currently at work "mad", wishing the weekend was longer. Im soooo happy it went by fast because that means less days till I can POAS lol!! So today I am 6 DPO guys weren't kidding when you said that this TWW feels like 2 years! Usually I don't stress and I'm not looking for signs, but now that I've entered this new TTC world, I RECOGNIZE everything! Im so thankful I've found a few blog pages that I can  follow on here...seem like some nice ladies and I love reading their stories. Makes me not feel alone :) Please check them out if you get a chance, they are all an inspiration whether they know it or not:
                                                                 My Darling Rainbow
                                                              Our Journey Through This Lovely Life
                                                                From the Heart og Alicia Marie
                                                                The Zawislaks
                                                              Gonna Do It For Baby

I am always looking for a new blog to follow, get advice from and connect with. So if you know of any other awesome blogs let me know ANYWHO......

Today I am 6 DPO and Im not too tired at the moment, but that is what I have been feeling the past few days. I felt a couple of dull pressure pains last night (I think) things for sure....I am starving all the time. I dont know if its because we were successful this cycle or because I am working out so much more now and my appetite has grown. Either way I feel like  I am eatting everything in site! Oh well, so the only website that I am faithfully on everyday currently is Countdown to pregnancy!! If you all know of any other websites that are awesome please let me know!! I just love the tickers and the details that countdown to pregnancy provides. Im so glad that I started this blog and even more excited about the people Im meeting. Good Luck to all of you!!

-Love Jones



  1. Thank you for the shout out! :) I am 10dpo right now and going crazyyy!!! I caved and poas today! it was (-) but I still have 10 days till AF is due to arrive so It was wayyy to early for me to be testing! I donno what I was thinking?! haha~
    I think blogging was one of the best things I ever did, Before I felt so alone, Like I was the only one in the world going through IF and now I have all these amazing woman around me that share a piece of the same story, and I feel a million times better! I am glad you joined this crazy world! :) Check out I just love her!

  2. aww, good luck! I'll be rooting for you :). We haven't started trying for #2 yet, but when we do I'm sure I'll be right with ya!

  3. Thanks for following my blog! I will be following you as well. Wishing you much luck in this cycle!!!

  4. Hang in there!!! :) I will be following along your journey and will be praying for you!! :) Best of luck this cycle!! Continue with all your positive thinking! :)I waited 7 years for my BFP and know all too well the tough 2 week wait! Keep us posted :)

  5. Thanks everyone!! So glad I started blogging!
