Tuesday, January 24, 2012

TTC Blog #2-Yay!

So last night at 9:15pm I took tested a strip from my OPK and it was finally positive. Both lines came up equally dark!! Which means I am getting my LH surge. I wanted to be sure so I test again at 12:50 am before my husband and I went to bed and got the same result! I was excited because I honestly thought that I would never get a positive result!

CD #17-Symptoms this morning I felt some very faint pains in my left pelvic side, so I know that ovulation is either going to occur tonight or tomorrow. I havent had a chance to check my CM yet, but that is the tall tale sign for me!

 Hopefully this time is it, I am honestly not trying to get my hopes up or anything because after a year Im really anxious. I just know that for most of that year we didnt have the knowlegde that we have now. I didnt know about ovulation, CM, OPK's and fertile days...crazy I know but soooo true! So hopefully now we can get er done! Baby dust to all!!
                                                           - Love Jones

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