Monday, January 30, 2012


The weekend went by too fast and although Im currently at work "mad", wishing the weekend was longer. Im soooo happy it went by fast because that means less days till I can POAS lol!! So today I am 6 DPO guys weren't kidding when you said that this TWW feels like 2 years! Usually I don't stress and I'm not looking for signs, but now that I've entered this new TTC world, I RECOGNIZE everything! Im so thankful I've found a few blog pages that I can  follow on here...seem like some nice ladies and I love reading their stories. Makes me not feel alone :) Please check them out if you get a chance, they are all an inspiration whether they know it or not:
                                                                 My Darling Rainbow
                                                              Our Journey Through This Lovely Life
                                                                From the Heart og Alicia Marie
                                                                The Zawislaks
                                                              Gonna Do It For Baby

I am always looking for a new blog to follow, get advice from and connect with. So if you know of any other awesome blogs let me know ANYWHO......

Today I am 6 DPO and Im not too tired at the moment, but that is what I have been feeling the past few days. I felt a couple of dull pressure pains last night (I think) things for sure....I am starving all the time. I dont know if its because we were successful this cycle or because I am working out so much more now and my appetite has grown. Either way I feel like  I am eatting everything in site! Oh well, so the only website that I am faithfully on everyday currently is Countdown to pregnancy!! If you all know of any other websites that are awesome please let me know!! I just love the tickers and the details that countdown to pregnancy provides. Im so glad that I started this blog and even more excited about the people Im meeting. Good Luck to all of you!!

-Love Jones


Thursday, January 26, 2012

TTC Blog #3- TWW??

So Im exhausted today! I started working out with a trainer a week ago and this is week 2. My body is just starting to adjust to the workouts thankfully, so only small parts of my body are sore today lol.

So I found this website countdown to pregnancy( & I LOVE it!
 The ladies so far have been nice and the stories are very encouraging and imspirational at the same time. They also have the best trackers ever...very detailed and helpful. They have an area you can track all of your symptoms and they put everything into nice charts for you to really understand. I love it!

My Trying to Conceive Story:
Today I am either on CD#19 or DPO#2. I had a positive OPK on the 17th at 9:50pm and then again at 11:50pm. I had very watery CM on Cd#16 & #17 and one or two sec ovulation pains on the Cd#17since then nothing really, besides a somewhat watery drip once in the whole day Cd#18. I did not test anymore after I got my positive following the directions in the box. I was using a ANSWERS 20 strip kit. Next month if Im not preggers I am going to start BBT charting to help me pin point SO Im unsure of the exact day that I ovulated but I know I BD'd like crazy throughout all my "fertile days" and more lol...

We are truly enjoying our time together BD'ing isnt a chore, its an escape from our hectic world and schedules :) Im trying not to stress to much, because it will hurt so much more for me if AF comes and Ive been testing and feeling "symptoms" I made up in my head. My aproach for now is not to test until I miss my period, as hard as that may be. I dont want to waste the money, be sad everytime I get a BFN and get my already high blood pressure up worrying. So hopefully this approach is less stressful. With that said...

Good Luck 2 all *BABY DUST PEOPLE, lets make it stick** the TWW period begins (I guess lol)

Me & my little man

-Love Jones

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

TTC Blog #2-Yay!

So last night at 9:15pm I took tested a strip from my OPK and it was finally positive. Both lines came up equally dark!! Which means I am getting my LH surge. I wanted to be sure so I test again at 12:50 am before my husband and I went to bed and got the same result! I was excited because I honestly thought that I would never get a positive result!

CD #17-Symptoms this morning I felt some very faint pains in my left pelvic side, so I know that ovulation is either going to occur tonight or tomorrow. I havent had a chance to check my CM yet, but that is the tall tale sign for me!

 Hopefully this time is it, I am honestly not trying to get my hopes up or anything because after a year Im really anxious. I just know that for most of that year we didnt have the knowlegde that we have now. I didnt know about ovulation, CM, OPK's and fertile days...crazy I know but soooo true! So hopefully now we can get er done! Baby dust to all!!
                                                           - Love Jones

Monday, January 23, 2012

TTC Blog #1

     Hello TTC/Preggo name is Nicole, married plus one wonderful little boy!
On our son CJ's 4th b-day Dec 2011

My husband and I have decided that we are ready to add on to our family...I plan for this blog to be about our TTC journey, hopefully our preggo journey and also just my everyday lifestyle, feelings and struggles. I don't want this to be just "business", I want you all to feel like you can truly understand my experience....
So over the past few weeks I have entered into a WHOLE new world and my eyes are WIDE OPEN now! I've gotten so much inspiration, advice and support from all the TTC blogs, vlogs and websites I knew nothing about! My husband and I have been trying to have our 2nd child since Feb 2011, with a brief break in between we still haven't been successful. Until I finally decided to jump online and do some research. See with our first son was a surprise and we didn't do anything special, it just "happened". So guess we figured when we were ready again it would just "happen". Ha Ha very cute right...little did we know there are specific  process and procedures!!
Now that I have learned more and gotten hip to the lingo... today I am on cycle #9, CD (Cycle Day) #15 and should be ovulating today but haven't had the chance to check my CM(Cervical Mucus) today and havent felt any twinges or pains on one side like I have before. My husband and I have BD'd (Baby danced) like no other on all of my "fertile days" and we plan to continue for at least 3 days after the day I feel I have ovulated. I am using the Answer OPK, but the only day I got a positive test was one early morning and I was very excited, but then I read online you shouldn't using morning urine. Soooo I tested that afternoon (about 5 hours later) and it was negative. So now I'm confused and not sure if I have bad tests or something. If we don't get preggo this cycle, I am going to buy the digital smiley face OPK pack for next month. I also discovered and read good things about pre~seed and I have used this in our most "fertile days". So fingers crossed I ovulate today and we are blessed with our 2nd baby.

Please pass ALL of your baby dust this way & I wish the best for any of you that may be trying to conceive as well.

- Love Nicole