Sunday, January 20, 2013

Yes She Is Here...

Briauna Leanne
Born January 14, 2013
1:25 p.m.
8 lbs. 7 oz.
19 inches

She is here. Thank You God. I am in love for the 3rd time. Exhausted & So In Love. 

I will post about her birth story when I have some real time. 
For the cliff notes/teaser version I will say...I was supposed to be induced Jan. 15th...she obviously had other plans....I was 8 cm when I finally made myself go to the was crazy!

Words can't express how complete my family feels now that she has arrived. 
We are loving & learning all over again everyday. 

Thank you for all the love you guys have shown.
Until Next Time...

Love Jones

Friday, January 11, 2013

Sunday= 40 weeks!

Preggo Buzz

Hey loves!! Sorry I took so long to post, had a lot going on, trying to keep myself sane!!

So I had my doctor's appointment Wednesday the 9th! 3 cm dilated, and 70 % effaced and in tears because my body hurt so midwife gave me the most needed hug ever, walked out of the room and said "let me see what I can do".

After all of 10  minutes she came back in and said, "Baby girl is doing great and we are so happy you have made it full term. With that said your due date is Sunday, if she has not arrived we will induce you on Tuesday if that is okay with you?" My reply...."Ugh HELLS yeah!"

So we have a date people!! Tuesday Jan. 15, 2013 if I haven't gone into labor I will be induced in the butt crack of the morning!

 I know some moms are all "I want to let this baby come when she is ready" and " I could be pregnant for another year if necessary." Well I am so happy for those women and if I could give each and every one of them a gold star & a cookie I would. But this chick right here is ecstatic to get this show on the road. I am so grateful that God has allowed my baby to be healthy and stay inside me until 40 weeks (Jan. 13th). But I'm just being honest I am not that woman. I could feel myself spiraling down a dark black hole with how miserable I have been in the last week. Thank goodness my doctor gave me a little light at the end of the tunnel. Of course she let me know you could totally go into labor before Tuesday though so just be ready! 

How is CJ? CJ is impatient now. He talks to my stomach every night and says "Are you scared to come little mama? What's wrong?" It is seriously adorable. He is going to be a great big brother. 

How is Daddy? Daddy is ready to, he talks to our little girl and tells her "Come on baby, daddy wants a little more time off of work" lol

Week: 39 weeks & 6 days

Weight gain: We are chilling at 25 lbs right now & I am okay with that

Stretch marks: Nope, I'm thankful

Belly button: Flat as can be

Clothes:  I wear yoga pants, tights and sweats most of the day. I'm all about the comfort right now. I'm so sore & by the end of the day in so much pain. I'm not fussing with jeans and it's too cold for dresses. 

How big is baby: Big enough to be breaking my ribs everyday! The doctor said she most def will not be a 6lb baby like CJ was. So idk? But the fruit thing says she is the size of a small watermelon and could be anywhere from 6.2 to 9.2 lbs. Let's hope it's somewhere in the middle!

Babe's Growth: She's big. Period. I have no more room in there. And she wants to let me know every day.

Sleep: LOL. Non-existent.

Movement: To be honest she makes me nervous. I know she is going to have less movement because she has less space and all. But I rarely feel her move anymore unless she is working on my rib. The doc says it's normal as long as I feel her a few times a day it should be fine. But it freaks me out. I feel like I should be able to push my stomach and she push right back so I can have peace of mind. But it never works that way. She makes me stop what I'm doing. Dance, drink some orange juice then lay down on my side in silence until she moves. Can you imagine the freak out session I have until she moves? I believe she thinks it is funny. 

Food Cravings: I've been so thirsty for water. I've been wanting ANY and EVERYTHING possible to eat lately. No specifics, just everything not in my pregnancy diet and to be honest I don't care as much right now. I just want comfort. I'll pay for it later but I'll deal with it in my workouts. 

Food Aversions: Milk still and chicken nuggets now. Weird. 

Symptoms: The Back Pain is still ridiculous. And this rib on the left side that she is trying to destroy. I hope it isn't fractured....seriously it hurts that bad!

What do I miss: All forms of sleep. Even the uncomfortable preggo lady sleep. 

Best moment this week: Having ym doctor give us a induction date! I will be 40 weeks and 2 days on that day! So ready!

What I am looking forward to: Holding my little girl and taking our first family picture together. It melts my heart to think about it. I want a raw picture. Labor hair and face, tired daddy, new baby and excited big brother. I cannot wait. 

Next Appointment(s): INDUCTION JAN. 15th

Next post you should be meeting my baby girl....

Until Next Time...
Love Jones

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I'm at a breaking point....

So I am back at work today....

Literally, I'm at my desk....exhausted....functioning off of 1 hr and 1/2 of  sleep....

Here I am. 38 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I thought that I would be okay. 

But I'm not.  At first I thought that I was just over thinking when I will go into labor. (Which I probably am). Then I thought well I'm just sad because my family had to leave and it was EXTREMELY devastating difficult to see them leave AND STILL be pregnant. But then it started to happen...

Negative thoughts of trying to induce labor. I've was thinking of ways for me to go into labor that aren't safe AT ALL. I have not tried any of them & don't plan on it. But the fact that I've even thought of some of these things, let's me know my mind isn't in a great place right now.

I am officially at a breaking point. I am done with this pregnancy mentally & almost physically. I have exercised, walked, stretched, danced until it felt this babe would fall out on the floor. Of course, I've been working out the whole pregnancy so I guess my body is like whatever...but I literally couldn't stand up straight after my 1hr & 1/2 walk/dance session Tuesday. (TMI alert) I have tried the primrose oil orally & vaginally, I've sex as much as I could take, I've taken a extremely warm bath every night for the last 2 weeks. I have dilated to 2 cm, my cervix is extremely soft and I have contractions/braxton hicks (who knows) daily every hour or so if not closer than that. 

I never made it this far in my last pregnancy (CJ was born early). I'm confused with my body. Anxious as all get out. Don't know what to expect. Extremely exhausted. I'm actually beginning to scare myself. I'm feeling like I just want to lay down and cry until this baby comes.  

I have a Dr.'s appointment today and I am going to talk to them about all of my feelings and what options I have. What the heck is happening to me and what do they suggest. After doing some reading I think I may be coming down with a case of the "baby blues", which is a bad case of just getting plain tired of being pregnant. 

I talked with my supervisor and this week may go ahead and be my last, depending on what my Dr.'s says. 

If ya'll have any suggestions, prayers or have felt this way too. Please lemme know so I don't feel like I'm going crazy. Sorry to be such a debbie downer....I just needed to vent. I almost had a panick attack before I started typing this. 

 Hope your week is going good.

Until Next Time...
Love Jones